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What is a CSA

February 14, 2024

What is Community Supported Agriculture?

CSA stands for Community-Supported Agriculture

It is a model where the customer pays for a share of the farm product at the beginning of the season, when our farming expenses are high, and the income is low.
In return, we deliver fresh, local produce on a weekly basis.

Win-Win for farmers and members

Because the CSA members are important supporters of our farm, we prioritize bringing new or limited quantity produce to our CSA members first.
We truly believe that the CSA model is a win-win for farmers and customers alike.
As farmers, the assurance that we have customers for the entire season means a lot for our financial security and planning. As customers, you learn where your food came from and who grew it - and you know it will always be fresh, in season, and responsibly grown.

Get to know your farmer

During the CSA season, we share information and stories from the fields with our members
Each week we email you a list of the box content before pick-up day, so you know what to expect.
We include recipe ideas to help you feel confident with your produce and inspire you to try new dishes and cooking methods.

We are always more than happy to talk cooking methods, storage tips, and all things food and growing with you at our weekly pick-up site. 

Wanna learn more? You can read all about our CSA program right here

Join our CSA

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